
Showing posts from 2019

Happy New Year...2020

Dear Students, Wish you all a very happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year. May it bring new hopes and aspirations. When we ring out 2019 and ring in 2020, when we ring out a decade and ring in a new, how could we forget Vision 2020, the great dream of a dreamer of dreams, our beloved Kalam sir? Let us ask ourselves, have we tried our level best to materialize his dream to make India a developed country?  Let us all take to heart the words of the great Winston Churchil; "United we stand, divided we fall". It is time to stand. Let us live in peaceful co existence, with malice towards none and charity to all. Let us vow to refine and fine tune us to become better human beings. Your Teacher in English

Flood the Leveller- Poem by Aksa Roy

All I see is a vague picture 'Cause I woke up amidst the ruins Opened my eyes; found those holy scriptures  Written on the broken sculpture   Wandered like a wayfarer  In search of an asylum  In search of good Samaritans  Like the holy scripture said  Could find nothing 'cause the  Water Washed out everything  But the deluge was kind enough  To leave some destitute in despair  Couldn't find the rich or the poor  Neither boasting nor bullying was there  Weak and strong were waitin' alike  Hoping someone would bring 'em back  Fame was floating..the arrogance  Pride and ego.. couldn't find 'em..  Green-eyed monster sank deep into the blues  And was buried in the watery grave  Weary ...and was about to lose hope  But then they came in their boats  Stretchin' their was 'em-the angels  As it was written in the holy scripture  *Like wild flowers,they came in  ways we thought they never would*  Held their hands toget

Beyond the Walls.....Poem by Rakhi B Nair

All around me , there is darkness. I can't see anything. Darkness overcoming, everything around me. Makes me wonder What's beyond the walls. I heard a voice, "No, this world is not full of darkness. " Slowly I turned ,  looked around and found ,  A world of justice,  filled with light  No more despair,  Or sadness anymore,  Love , peace and joy,  is what I had found   Beyond the walls. Post by  Rakhi B Nair, 2017-19 Batch


He has passed, he’s is still passing by and has to go on. He never stops nor he goes back. Very punctual he is, so he wants us to be like him. “Time heals”, some say, it worries the others. I don’t know exactly. Every day I see him working very hard.   He has a fair complexion, and a cute grin, but often forgets to smile or to have a look at his face. He is that engrossed in his work. he never rests. He’s cursed and blessed at the same time. He spears a tear for the one whose time has come and never forgets to peek into their (human) beautiful moments also. Sometimes he is cunning and wicked and other times childish and stubborn. His eyes, speaks stories of many even though his lips never.  He saw beginnings and foretold their fates, produced many riddles to test the so called crown of creation. They only tried but not yet successful. Yes, time he is the only one to solve it.’cause only he can understand the misery of the mystery.   Once I asked him do you have an end? Wh

Announcement - Bout between the Amigos

Good evening to all, the boxing fans, jam packed in Tompkins square park.This is Cathy from Tompkins square park. Hearty welcome to the much awaited final elimination round of Golden glove championship presented by U.S sports and games.This is the moment we all have been waiting for. The bout between two youngsters, the Puerto Rican fighters.Yes the Amigo brothers. Put your hands together. Lets welcome Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas. Here in the left corner, in black shorts stands Antonio weighing 133 pound and in the right corner stands Felix in blue shorts weighing 134 pounds.Both are chasing the same dream, the Golden glove champion.The referee all set for the match here is Mr John. Who..who...who.. wins the cup? ...No idea . Is it going to be a neck and tie match..? Will it be a dreadful match.There will be no draw. Of course,the best man wins... Ladies and gentlemen, Are you ready, aren't you? Let's go rumbling...... Post by Gayathridevi M, XII B

Some Phrasal Vebs

Call on -visit  Call for -demand  Call off. - Decide to stop  Call out. -Summon  Call up -telephone to  Call upon-visit  Carry on -continue  Carry out -perform  Carry off -complete successfully  Carry over -transfer 

I Saw her... Poem by Jeava Maria Joseph

I Saw Her  She came like an angel  Not from the heaven  But, from the earth  There, l met her at hilltop.   She took my hands within her's   Loving my trembling hands   To make it warm and wet   Oh l felt the awaiting touch. Then we ran down fast  Towards a glowing brook  And fell down on knee  And together bleed.   With pants full of dust   We laughed and laughed   And sat down on the loan   Tired by our adventure.  She holds my hands tight  In the days of darkness  And lead and showed me  lantern brimming peace.  She taught me nothing   But only you who live   Within her, inside her   She was my friend. Post by Jeava Maria Joseph, XII C

A Letter from Dharma....

Dear India,   I am the jwala that ignites Indian hearts...I am the consciousness which leads the way... I am dharma....   India...where do you stand today??? Where is the ahimsa that saved you from vile hands of adharma...? Where are your leaders who promised that they will be alive at the hearts of Indians...?  India... what have you done?...You are hiding warmongers in the shade of development... You have become deaf to the crying of your are shutting down your senses towards poverty and other matters of concern...why?   The father of the nation is deceived...murderers are worshiped in his place... You fight for the reasons unknown. Justice is a myth. Truth is a lie. India.... you are fading...and everyone except you are realizing it...   You are still following the failed paths trodden are forgetting who you are...who you were...your history is confined to textbooks...your legacy is concealed. Independence day celebrations are a ritua

Patronizing Arts in Schools

In these days when education is marketised to bring out only the best academic results, only to admit students who score best, art remains a good for nothing. Everyone is bestowed by a godly talent that need to be polished and carved out. But nowadays schools do nothing to bring up inner talents of students despite conducting talent fest as a ritual.   There are many students who wish to showcase their hidden treasure. They may not be the toppers, yet they seek appreciation that enrich their confidence.   In a contracted school life, it gives them opportunities to realise oneself. Group participation allows students to learn sharing and caring. Moreover they learn the happiness in involved group work.   It's sad as many schools promote only those who promise to win prizes. It just seems to be better from a logical viewpoint.Thus they shatter the aspirations, the hopes, the toil of many. In a race only one wins. But still we can keep trying. In certain instance, these tries ins

'Daivathinte Charanmar' - The spies of God

Recently I happened to read a book by Mr. Joseph Annamkutty Jose. The name of the book was"Daivathinte Charanmar". The title of the book means the spies of god.   Most probably you all know about Joseph Annamkutty Jose. He is well known as a radio Jockie and also a social motivator who delivers motivating speeches through videos in social media. The book "Daivathinte Charanmar " is the second book of the author after his book "Buried Thoughts".   The book is about the experiences of the author at various stages of life. He accounts the interference of various persons at various points of his life. He submits in this book that those persons are 'spies' or messengers whom god had depicted to modulate his life. Personally, the chapter 'Mayanadhi' turned to be most touching one which I won't like to explain in detail as I prefer not to disclose the suspense and want you people

An essay....!!!

For me, it's very hard to find a subject and to write an essay, paragraph,....  Lack of topics......GOD...I strived a lot find at least one topic.  But none allured me. My eyes wandered through many social, political issues, newspaper strips, especially through Google.... But in vain. Then I kept my pen back to my box.  Box.....BOX...... The word whirled like a whirligig around my head.  Box, an object where we store things, the things which are very essential in our school life , pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, ruler etc.. Oh dear.... finally I got a subject....  Let me begin..  I love this quote, life is like an empty box, it's not what you get out of it. It's what you put into, that matters. Yes, comparing life to an ugly red box is absolutely crazy. Have a good look at the box. It has a zip or a clip to open or to close it. If that opening gets damaged, anyone can put anything into your box like wastes....  Like this, we all have a gateway to our l

The Art of Teaching...!!!

‘Can the vision of a man lend its wings to many?’ is a burning question in my heart for the desire to the passion of teaching. Yes, my greatest desire is to teach. I want to be a teacher who lives in the heart of students. For me, to teach is not a duty bestowed upon oneself. It may be an art for some, a passion for many, but a mystical work for me.   What is teaching? Of course, a teacher is not the one who simply lectures the notes of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or any other subject . He must feel like what it is to be a teacher. Some great teachers in history who really astonished me come to my mind in this aspect. The teacher who brought up an inspired soul out of the blind Helen Keller and the teacher who brought an ignited mind out of Sir Kalam and others like them are always fresh in every ones memory. But shouldn’t we speak about the teachers who moulded the dictator Hitler? This makes me think of newton who said, “Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction.”Ye

World Mental Health Day - October 10

Mental health is the condition of the absence of mental illness. October 10 is observed as world mental health day by World Health Organization (WHO).  It was first observed in 1992. Suicide prevention is the main aim of WHO on this mental health day. In this modern world, the importance of mental health is to be deeply discussed. Our mind must be in our own control. Do not allow any of our thoughts to rule our mind. Lack of mental power and confidence are the main problems which today's world is facing. Suicidal tendency of teenagers as well as of mature people is a rising issue. According to WHO," if we don't act urgently, by 2030, depression will be the leading illnesses globally". Keeping these words in mind, we should train our minds with good thoughts and vision for better health. Post by Meenakshi S Nair, XII B

I too Picked up a Pine Cone

    Memories are like fire, they ignite your heart and enlight your soul. Whenever I think about Kodaikanal,I feel the fresh cold wind running down my spine...the ringing of bells...the voice of nature silently telling me,"'re my child..."  When I was in tenth grade ,our school offered a trip to Kodaikanal, one of the most fabulous tourist spots in India. I was really excited for it was the first chance to set my foot out of Kerala. We started our journey on 17th November at 8 PM.  The journey was smooth and magical,satisfying my eleutheromania. I couldn't stop myself from looking out of the window, for I was enchanted by the night beauty of our path. My friends nearly shook the earth with their shrieks and dance all through the journey. The increasing intensity of cold wind gushing through the windows told me that I 've reached my destination. Kodaikanal was colder than what I have expected it to be. I was indeed frozen with cold and was barely

Corruption - A social Evil

      Corruption may be defined as the acceptance of bribe for an unfair favour. It is the biggest evil in our society.Incidents of corruption are increasing in our society day by day. In our p,ublic life it has now become a fashion.    Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, though it is not restricted to these activities.      The main causes of corruption are greed of money, higher levels of market, political monopolization, low levels of democracy, weak civil participation, low political  transparency, low press and low economic freedom       There is no silver bullet for fighting corruption. Many countries have made significant progress in curbing corruption, however practitioners are always on the lookout for  solutions and evidence of impact. The immediate remedy for this is to separate the fun

Time Loop

"Where are you my teacher? Once, you told me to stop When I was running To capture the unseen success I was afraid then, A pause would pull me back To the morass of failure That frightened everyone. But you told me again: retreat Then I found my foot so weak My ears filled with clamours for victory My eyes blurred with the heat of endurance And my mind absolutely blind. But then, You told me to listen- To the birds I heard everyday You told me to watch- The stars I used to see You told me to feel- The rain and wind I ignored. Thus I was taught To see the path ahead As an entangled puzzle To be unwinded patiently With the help of the lantern You lit in my heart I'm still on my way. But where you are, my teacher?" ****************************** "I am sorry my teacher The question is WHEN.... I have found you in the timeline In the same curve, When you told me to retreat Still lighting the lanterns You are persisting there Repeati

Be the Change...

Be the change that you want to see…  A born leader, humanist, pacifist, astonishing revolutionary, a virtuous figure, etc are words not enough to express Mahatma Gandhi. Through the moral principle of ‘abhaya’ he heartens us to be intrepid. Gandhiji was bright, kind, gentle, and an exceptional teacher. Drowning in consumerism, corruption, communalism, religious fanaticism etc we are forgetting some of the greatest values. It is high time that we should reflect ourselves with the words of Gandhi. Bappu, as we affectionately call him gave his entire life, fighting for freedom. Covering up only in a loincloth and shawl, he tells us to leave vanity. Gandhi was not a bit shattered even when the British tried to break him. His fight was not with arms but with the principles of non violence and non cooperation. And we can unquestionably say that he succeeded in that fight. Now look at ourselves fighting with each other on the basis of caste, creed, religion, gender and what not. Gandhij

An Ideal Amigo

Humankind is in search of happiness that is far beyond their reach. In my perspective friends are the companions in our journey to seek happiness. Friends play a vital role in making ones future. They are the building blocks to our success. They will be with us in all our troubles and miseries. They will guide us to take the right path. We cannot distinguish our friends in our happiness. But we can judge them in our adverse condition. Friends always lend a helping hand in all our needs. One minute with a genuine friend is better than a year spend with anyone else. A good friend must be loyal and trust worthy. All friendships are judged by some values such as honesty, patience etc… The first and foremost thing to have good friends is to be a good friend. He or she must have the mind to hear others and to provide a bit of relief to their sorrows.   Today friendships are only to satisfy and fulfill our own needs. Presently many of us don’t wish to have good friends. Because we a

A Rare Birthday Wish.... from Gandhi's Glasses

My Dear Gandhi,    I hope your soul is fine there, among the clouds of glory and eternity in the heaven. I believe that you still remember me. I had been a part of your life since your eyes found it difficult to see the world around you. Since then I began to witness the amazing world of truthfulness and determination through your eyes until 30th January, 1948. I am absolutely happy that I got the chance to the most genuine eyes of all times.   The Gita, The Bible, The Quran...I was the sole witness of whatever you read and everything you wrote. The changing phase of India and its journey to freedom. I witnessed all those with your eyes. I still remember the uncertainty persisted in your eyes when India won her freedom on 15th August, 1947. I also remember that your vision was clearer than what I had magnified for you. The transparency of your sweat and tears shamed  even  my ability. Each of your glances, gazing and observations were filled with the sparks of honesty and the gut

Gandhi ... A Memoir

Read these words .. They are from our pride, our fuel, The Father of our Nation...The Mahatma... 1. In a gentle way, you can shake the world. 2. Where there is love there is life.  3.The future depends on what we do in present. 4.Be the change that you want to see in the world.  5.Nobody can hurt me without my permission  6.Live as you were to die tomorrow.Learn as if you were live to forever.  7.If you want real peace in the world,start with children.  8.Hate the sin,love the sinner  9.Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.  10.You don't know who is important to you until you actually lose them.  11.The real ornament of a woman is her character, her purity. 12.Truth stands even if there public support.  13.prayer is the key of morning and the bolt of evening.  October 2nd 2019 is the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi,the Father of our Nation.Nowadays Gandhian principles attain more and more importance.His life is a real message t


     "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late", these are the golden words said by the renowned poet William Shakespeare. Punctuality is a quality of doing things promptly at the right time. It is an essential quality required to attain a successful career, so it should be achieved from childhood onwards. Being punctual benefits one to lead an orderly and prosperous life. Without punctuality, everything becomes disordered and life never goes smoothly. A punctual person always gets respect and acceptance in the society. Such a person knows well how to manage and respect time. Punctuality helps one to manage their professional and personal life. Punctuality motivates you to achieve a consistent life.       Time and tide waits for none. So Punctuality helps to plan and do things wisely on time. We should invest our every moment with proper importance. If we waste time,it will kick us back. If we lack the quality of being punctual, it would definitely ruin our char

Truth... an Essential Trait

     In every human being truthfulness is essential. Everyone should be habitual on the subject of integrity because sincerity means to speak the truth habitually.     An honest man never tells a lie. They know it correctly. Truth is good and lie is not good for them. Truthfulness is an aspect of our personality. Only with continuous practice we can master it. The people who always speak lie will not be respected by the society. To speak the truth is a duty and we must never deviate from it. As per Indian mythology honest people are rewarded heaven by the God. Truthful people have high self -esteem and are more confident than a liar.  An honest person can become the source of inspiration for others. His mind is free from the anxiety that constantly troubles a liar. Even his enemies respect him. But for some people truth is relative.       In India, Mahatma Gandhi has been a living example of truthfulness. He had adopted a policy of truthfulness and non violence. He was never fear

Greta Thunberg

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg's powerful speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York grabbed a majority of people who have raised concerns about the risks of global warming     Greta slammed the world leaders for misleading the youth by not teaching how to deal with green house gas emission. Now she has become the main face of growing youth movement against climate inaction      In my opinion, she seems like an amazing brave girl looking forward to a great future. She creates an idea for unity. She makes us to think in a different manner. It is our need to get united for this matter because together we can and do make the difference. Post by Meghana Vijayakumar

Friendship- A bond of Love

'A friend in need is a friend indeed.....' Do you think so?    Friends are the precious gifts of God.They are the people who give their time, strength and heart to others.It is said that there is nothing in the world more to be prized than true friendship.They are the guiding stars to our bright future.   Today's world is so complicated and we may fall down on it's pathway.A true friend is someone who will help us to get up from there.They are beautiful flowers which blossom even in the slimy pond.     "Walking with a friend in the darkness is better than walking alone in the light".These are the words of Helen Keller.As her words indicate, a good friend is our confidence builder and a good mentor. When we share our sorrows, it will dwindle and the joy will double.A good friend will be a 'Horegallu' anywhere and anytime! They help us to withstand a bad patch and make us comfortable even in the middle of fire!One of the great qualities of friendshi

Announce a boxing bout...!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, My dear boxing devotees,   An open armed welcome to one and all. In this jam-packed, Tompkins Square park, we are all going to witness the much awaited final elimination round of the "Golden.... Gloves ..... Championship", United States of America. As we know that, today, the two Puerto Rican fighters, the amigo brothers, compete each other....Yes, ...the famous Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas..... Give them a big round of applause... The referee , Mr. Thomas Andrews, the best of the lot is ready for the match. Judges from Boxing Grading Organization (BGO) are seated down the ring. This tournament, Golden Gloves championship is sponsored by Kindle and citizen digitals. The amigo brothers, were already escorted to the ring by their supporters. Here, in this corner weighing 134 pounds , stands Felix Vargas wearing blue shorts and there in the right corner stands Antonio Cruz weighing 133 pounds, wearing red shorts, with his train

Garden of Love

The garden of roses That spreads the scent of love.  The Light house that guides me  To the world of goodness  The knot of faith that never breaks  A trooper who shields me  In every bit of my life A candle that thaws; And makes my life brighter The medicine That heals my wounds  Of course its a secret door  A secret door that opens to the real paradise MY FAMILY -Post by  Celin Sony, XII B

Qutable Quotes

Start where you are, use what you have,do what you can.  -  Arthur Ashe.  There are no regrets in life, just lessons.  - Jennifer Aniston  Every word has consequences,Every silence too.- Jean-Paul Sartre .  Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, That's why it is called the present. - ( Anonymous)   There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you. - David Burns.  If there is a solution for your problem then there is no need to worry, if there is no solution for your problem then is no point to worry. - Shantideva . Post by Rakhi B Nair, Alumnus
പ്രിയ സുഹൃത്തുക്കൾക്ക് ഹൃദ്യമായ ഓണാശംസകൾ ......

Teacher's Day

Another Teacher's day has arrived. A day to commemorate and thank all the selfless service rendered by the teachers round our country. Had they not been there, the world would have been in darkness amid the blaze of noon even, irrecoverably lost.  Kabirdas, the renowned Hindi poet has wrote " Teacher and God are standing before me    Whom do I pay my obeisance to     I bow to you my teacher    For you guided me to God"  It doesn't mean that teachers are greater than God. But had they not been there, many would not have realised the ultimate, God. What a great loss it would have been. They are not the source of light but for sure a mirror that reflects it. It is they who lead to light or at least show where the light is. Our country is built on the sweat and vision of great teachers. This is the birthday of a great luminary and teacher Dr. S Radhakrishnan.  Let us remember them all with grateful hearts and salute them.  Hats off beloved teachers!!!

Can you disturb my mind?

 This question comes to great reference for me with the books that I’ve dealt with. From my 16 years of life’s experience, little did I learn, from the little books which I have read. I read books of different flavours; adventure, villainy, tragedies, romance, mysterious......   “You are sharing the Dark Lord’s thoughts and emotions. The Headmaster thinks it inadvisable for to continue. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord. Who can forget these infectious statements of Sirius to the great wizard Harry Potter? When a hunt is called off, how can you sit erect and blend with your daily chores, when you hear the constant thumb of your unstable heart? Can you quench the thirst of my soulless dead mind? If you can then you will be with one of my favourites along my Harry Potter in my chambers...   A disturbed mind may not find peace among some pitying discipline but among the classics of some masters.  Having an adults attention may be an easy task, t


It was on the midnight of August 14 (15),1947 the shackles of slavery were unlocked and India spread her wings. From there we started our flight of freedom. Once again independence day has come reminding us about the last 72 years of challenging voyage. Amidst the flood and recent havoc in Kerala, Independence Day has a significant message for us. At the time of independence, Jawaharlal Nehru said, "The achievements we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future? " Which means freedom and power brings responsibility. As a free Nation our responsibilities had to be shouldered by ourselves. The real meaning of freedom is fulfilled only when we are able to stand on our own. Tireless and united endeavour is always essential all the time. Through the continuous efforts and efficient

Silent Cry of Vales

In all ears the echo beats persistently. It was the silent cry of hills that turned a mere player in nature's furious hands.The thirsty Thursday took half a hundred to it's heart.We are still to find forty of our beloved ones. When a day of Id dawned, there was grief and pain for some, shock and gratitude for yet others. It turned a day of little joy showing no boundaries. Onam is ahead of us. It is time to recollect Onam was a day of joy for all.We get the real essence of it, unless it becomes the joy for poor and the miserable. It becomes a reality when we see ourselves equal. Until we lend ears for humanity no day will embrace us again. Jeava Maria Joseph, XII C

Smile Forever

Life has so many exams. Sometimes we fail in it and some other time we win it. Most of us fail in the exams of life, because we try to copy others, not realising that everyone has different question papers. We all have the potential to reach somewhere as someone. But we lose the marathon of life. So we need to rise up from the ashes of failures like a phoenix. The best way to overcome anything in our life is a smile on our face. It is not an easy task to have a smile on our face whole time. It has a great power to heal the wounds of the mind. It helps us to forget our sorrows. If we come across anything with a smiling face, then hurdles will never be a hindrance. Smiling pacifies our mind. So be pleasant at all time. Think about the memorable moments in our life. And never allow our tears and sorrows to rule us. Keep balance all the time. Work hard, have faith in God and try to understand the feelings of others. Remember that every successful man has a painful story and every

Woman Empowerment

 Today we are very acquainted with the word empowerment. But we actually don’t know what does it mean. Does this word only belong to our men folk…no, this is very important for women. They need to be empowered, because they sometimes lack the confidence to match their competence or to uphold their rights and values. Woman is entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from all the clutches of society. It is the woman who bears a child in her womb and gives birth to a new life. Moreover she is a good mother, a caring sister, a close friend, a friendly colleague, and sometimes a brilliant Doctor, an advisor, a mentor and of course a soldier. According to Roosevelt, a woman is like a tea bag we never know how strong she is until it gets in hot water. Women are not supposed to live in utter disappointment and in the slough of despond. Under these circumstances women empowerment and education gains utmost importance. In the lion share of the homes in our society woman

Ratna, a Living Horegallu

Ratna is a middle aged working woman. She has worked as a senior clerk in a company in Bombay for almost 25 years. She looks fair, just like her shining mind. Her friends consider her as a great mental therapist. She has the ability to cool off the burning hearts around her. Like the title of the story, she lives as a living horegallu with her gracious character. In this merciless and selfish society, its really surreal to see trustworthy people like Ratna. She is a guide to those who lacks the light of life. Her character owns a great power to enlighten the dim minds. Her vision of life is highly appreciable. She is so positive that her single smile can spread so much happiness among the people. She is so compassionate and empathetic towards everyone.Her fortunate character is a pillar of support for the people around her. Ratna owns a calm character with silent efficiency. She speaks less and listens more to the people's heart without any judgement. Through this act, she helps

Lessons from thrash

   It's just one to the handful of losses for many countries, but for India its a lost dream 1983. Celebrating almost three decades of first World Cup victory at Lords, all eyes were at Old trafford today.Neverthless, virat's men could not repeat kapils play.The irony is that we, a large country bend knee infront of a small island nation. Indias World Cup dreams were shattered today when the men in blue lost semis to Newzealand for just 18. The great play must be applauded.They fought the best.When the team heads to homeland, its time to learn from steep fall.Its time to analyze their shortcoming. Its time to make changes.Its time to know our weakness.Still Indians are hopeful of a 2011memory coming true in the next 2023. Jeava Maria Joseph, XII Humanities

My Papa's Waltz- An appreciation

"My Papa's Waltz" is a short and wonderful poem written by Theodore Roethke. In this poem the poet is trying to portray the relation between a father and his son. The poem progresses from the perspective of a child. The deep as well as sweet love of father is ingrained in the waltz performed by him. The child is describing the difficulty in waltzing with his father in the beginning of the poem. The child's father comes home late in the night, drunken. Even his breath was well enough to make a little boy dizzy. But the child kept hanging on to him afraid of the violent and sudden movements in waltzing. The waltzing continued until the pans in the kitchen fell down. His face got scratches from his father's buckles and beatings with the hard and experienced hands of his father. Finally, the child is waltzed off to bed providing a comfortable sleep with his father. It is how a father makes his child aware of the hustle and bustle of the world by holding his hands

Say a Big No.. to Drugs...

26 June: International day against drug abuse.  Hai everyone....   Bod Riley, the former Governor of Alabama once made a statement,,' Drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope and when we fight against drugs we are fighting for future.   In the 21rst era, our world is confronting a great problem, which affects the present and future generations. The whole youth are bending the knees in front of it. And it is the scavenger, drugs. Majority of the youngsters are not aware about the severity and the danger of drugs. They are enquiring for happiness. They believe that the consummation of drugs provides them prosperity, victory and a frabjous life. Narcotics is a dirty business....I know one who reads it will have piloerection.. It is the famous dialogue in the film Lucifer. So I think, there is no need for further explanation. One who watches this movie will notice that statement. But we are all observing it's surface only. We are not willing to fish into deep. The message i

Death's Sweet Arrival

He never told me about any pain, But constantly hung along with me. Loomed around my beautiful room, Waiting for me to come out. He always talked to me in whispers Once I asked him , "Why do people hate you?" He then answered, That I was a painful truth, my dear" That day, I couldn't properly understand the rhyme perhaps But today when I'm about to fall, When I feel like my grips loosing, I can feel the depth of his words. Death may be called as a priceless gift for man, from the Almighty, For it is when he finds the ultimate truth The dusk and dawn of life. Neetha Maria Bobby, XII B

Touching the Hearts...

The rain drizzled amid the silence. The boy stood still holding the mike tight. He began a preface on beautiful piece of art.  “Hai everybody. Before I begin, I want to say something. This is the first time I speak in front of a stage. I have not performed anywhere, not even in my school. To my surprise I was made the team head when I came here. Actually, I was forced to be one. In all these camp days I never came up for any activities.”  Posing a few seconds, he resumed addressing the smart young aspirant.  “I said to Johan that he was a perfect leader. I asked him how it was possible to do all the works despite being inexperienced.”   An earnest question of many who have a burning desire.  “He told me if he could, anyone else could do that. He raised me up from my safe zone. Now I realise the interesting part of a smart work.  “My hands are still trembling. It’s easy to sit in audience and laugh at someone sinking in the front. But it’s amazing to clap aloud fo


MOTHER: The most beautiful word on the lips of manhood. Like the word 'mother', she is the best person in the world . Her self- effacing love for her children and family is remarkable. In her absence, the soul of the home will fade away. She makes the house a home. She is a sine qua non in every aspect of life. She is the pillar of the house which supports the entire structure. Pillars  are not very attractive at first sight. If we remove it, the entire building will crumble. She is the keystone which takes effort to keep the arch, the home in it's shape and beauty. She equalizes each and every situation and problem very systematically. She acts like a hearth which provides heat and warmth to everyone. She imparts the warmth of love and providence to her children. A mother is the best teacher, doctor, nurse, psychologist, mentor and everything. Through her we first saw the almighty. We came to know about our father, the super hero of our life. An interesting fact is

A Day for our Fathers...

Dear fathers,  The 3rd Sunday of June is a special day for some special people in our life. It is a day for all our fathers. Father,the first and most important hero in our life is perhaps the only man who stands with us whole through our life without cheating us.I am sure he does not allow us to travel lonely through our life and gives his hands when we fall into the slough of despond. As our shadows, he always travels in our ways with absolute care and protection. His presence gives us the courage to go forward anywhere anytime.He spends a lot of time with us. His heart beats are increasing when we grow up. He is the only person who supports all our childish mistakes. He is a protecting hand from the beats of our mother. He is really a problem solver between mother and us. But when he gets angry with us or speaks strictly we can't tolerate it. Then our eyes fill up with tears. Poor father's.. their heart gets soft in that tears and they come to us with other tri


Dear Friends,   "Dream isn't that which you see while sleeping, it is something that Doesn't let you sleep" As you know these are the words of Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, our former president and the great scientist. We are on a journey, an incredible journey through life.We must have a final destination to reach, a dream to achieve. A dream is the result of observation and thinking. It's like a tiny seed that tends to grow. The whole progress in the human history is the fruit of many such dreams. Hard work and determination are essential elements for success. Along with that the encouragement and advice of our beloved ones lead us through the right way. A dream is a fire evolved from the spark of thought. A fire that lights the whole world around us, a fire that enable s us to see what we haven't seen before. That fire makes every moment of our life more and more exciting. We all are different; our talents are different, our interests a

Environment Day

We observe June 5th as the World Environment Day. God has given us a beautiful environment. Plants and trees are very important in the world. Trees give us oxygen. We need rivers to get water. Plants provide us food and many other things we need in our daily life. But the humans are not thinking seriously about their existence. cutting trees, levelling hills and pollution are becoming common. Destruction of hills and forests affects all animals. water, air and land pollution is increasing because of the humans. Lots of diseases are arising. Humans must try to stop this. Let's take a strong decision to take care of the environment. Let us work together to conserve the environment. Adithya S, XII B

World Famous Speeches...

1.Churchil --their finest hour  2.Patrick Henrys-- liberty or death  3.Demosthenes-- The third philippic  4.Martin Luther King-- I have a dream  5.Roosewelt -- Fireside chat,duties of American citizenship  6.Swami Vivekananda-- Chikkago speech  7.Malala -- speech in UNESCO  8.Jawaharlal Nehru-- tryst with destiny  9. Chief Joseph --Surrender speech  10.Socrates-- Apology  11.George Washington --Resignation speech  12.Mahatma Gandhi-- Quit India  13.Abraham Lincon --2nd inaugural address  14.Patick Henry-- Give me liberty or give me death  15.Churchil --Blood,sweat ,tears  16.Kennady-- the decision to go to moon  17.Jesus Christ --The sermon on the Mount  18.Mandela-- I am the first accused  19.Emmeline -- freedom or death  20.Queen Elizabeth-- speech to the troop

New Year...New Aspirations...

Again we came back to our schools with new hope,with new decisions and with some new expectations. A small question to all my friends. Why are you going to school? Your answer maybe "to study". Then,what have you studied for the last few years? You may say "we learned maths or English or history  etc". But we miss some important lessons, that are beyond our textbooks. We have heard and learned about great peoples who fought with their limits and conquered their fear. But what about us we still feel afraid to talk before a group or we still feel fear to take decision in our life. We have learned about love, compassion, empathy and many other values in our moral book but still we forget to love our parents or siblings or still we avoid poor people around us . We even forget to smile. Then what you really gained through your education. Yes, we need marks,we need rank before that we need to learn some real values. Let's begin our new start with

Be Unique....

"If you want to shine like a sun , first burn like a sun."    Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam,  the renowned personality, peoples president, was a visionary and scientist.  The words of  Kalam  are very meaningful. He encouraged each and every one in the world by his golden words. 'Be unique' . It was the famous ideology. He contributed to the youth. He exhorted the youth to be unique. The burning desire in the individual to be unique will help them to scale great heights. But the society is facing a great problem which prevents the youth from growing up.  'Imitation is a suicide' says Emerson. We are living our life by the expectation of others. While in family, our parents may tell us to be like the neighbor's children who scores very highly in exams. In school, society , all are prompting us to be like someone else. Living a life for others will ruin our happiness. Imitation will take away the original in you. During a speech Kalam said, ever

The Last Leaf - Never Ending Motivation

In these days, I was very busy in cleaning my cupboards. Meanwhile, my eyes met an old textbook , an English book with dog eared pages. I opened it and I saw a story, 'The last leaf ' by O. Henry, one of the greatest, shortest stories I have ever come across. I read that story. In this story, there was a lady artist Johnsy, from California who was suffering from pneumonia and was sinking. Her bystander was also an artist Sue from Maine. She shared an art studio with Johnsy in Greenwich village. They lived in a multistory building. In that building, there was another artist Behrman, who earns only little. He wants to paint his masterpiece but he couldn't. Johnsy's disease prompted her to lead a dog's life. There was an ivy plant in front of her window. Day by day each leaf began to fall. By seeing this, she firmly believed that the leaves represent the remaining days before her death. The leaf then became a symbol of despair. H