A Rare Birthday Wish.... from Gandhi's Glasses

My Dear Gandhi,
   I hope your soul is fine there, among the clouds of glory and eternity in the heaven. I believe that you still remember me. I had been a part of your life since your eyes found it difficult to see the world around you. Since then I began to witness the amazing world of truthfulness and determination through your eyes until 30th January, 1948. I am absolutely happy that I got the chance to the most genuine eyes of all times.
  The Gita, The Bible, The Quran...I was the sole witness of whatever you read and everything you wrote. The changing phase of India and its journey to freedom. I witnessed all those with your eyes. I still remember the uncertainty persisted in your eyes when India won her freedom on 15th August, 1947. I also remember that your vision was clearer than what I had magnified for you. The transparency of your sweat and tears shamed even my ability. Each of your glances, gazing and observations were filled with the sparks of honesty and the guts of 'abhaya'. I didn't get even a single chance to breathe the air of falsehood when I was with you. You let me see the people in their true being. The faith and trust that gleamed from your eyes made me proud of myself.
   In the present time, most of my descendants haven't got a blessing like I got. Today there are many eyes. But it is hard to find a few as yours. I have kept those moments of courage, determination and leadership safely in my casket of memories. I am still here swimming in the present trying to trace out the continuation of our past. 
  My dear Gandhi, with all the respect and honour I owe for you, I extend you my warm wishes on your 150th Birthday. You are still living in the hearts of many, where the milk of human kindness hasn't dried up. Also your vision has become inevitable to thrive in the modern world.  Be our glasses of truth and courage.
                                                    Your own glasses

Post by Amitha Anikuttan, XII B