A Letter from Dharma....

Dear India, 
 I am the jwala that ignites Indian hearts...I am the consciousness which leads the way... I am dharma.... 

 India...where do you stand today??? Where is the ahimsa that saved you from vile hands of adharma...? Where are your leaders who promised that they will be alive at the hearts of Indians...? 

India... what have you done?...You are hiding warmongers in the shade of development... You have become deaf to the crying of your children...you are shutting down your senses towards poverty and other matters of concern...why?  

The father of the nation is deceived...murderers are worshiped in his place... You fight for the reasons unknown. Justice is a myth. Truth is a lie. India.... you are fading...and everyone except you are realizing it... 

 You are still following the failed paths trodden black...you are forgetting who you are...who you were...your history is confined to textbooks...your legacy is concealed. Independence day celebrations are a ritual in memory of a cryptic episode. National anthem is a moment to celebrate silence amidst noise... Dear India, what have you become...? . 

You are being silenced, your potentials hampered. Bravery is rewarded with death. Your children are running away from you...they are running away from themselves....in fear of what? Failure? Lack of recognition? Lack of money...?

 India, where do you stand today...? You still are a developing country...a country where people die of hunger each day...a country where women can't sleep peacefully in their own homes...a country where people are still judged by the colour of their skin... Is the appointed day yet to come...or is it an illusion to comfort your poor sons and daughters who expect justice during each elections ? 

Speak up...India...I built you... I lead you....I fought for you...and I am still alive in you... 
Post by Poornima Sony, XII B