The Candles of My Life ..... Post by Gayathridevi M, XI B
Some Memories never fade from our mind. Sometimes it comes to embrace us and make our eyes wet. It may be the tears of sorrows or happiness. Some persons are also like this. They help us to bring a new life from the slough of despond and fill our minds with a lot of support. They stand with us to make an armour against troubles. They teach us to build up a lot of dreams and show a better way to success. Sometimes they are angry with us. But it is not the denial of love, otherwise it is the supreme act of love. They give us a lot of dreams, visions, memories, missions, experiences and willpower to stand against failure and so on. They travel along with us. But one day,when we look back ,we can't find anyone.Then we learn to walk lonely. They make us to withstand anything. But they are waiting at the finishing point for us. At all time they live with us as a beam of light. So don't give up our travel. Because we have to travel a lot of distance to reach them again. They are the candles of my life.
They are the holy spirit, my parents and my teachers. We can't forget them, because without them we have no existence here.
Published by Gayathridevi M, XI B
Published by Gayathridevi M, XI B