What is phobia? A post by Gayathridevi M

     Do you know what a phobia is? It is a strong unreasonable fear about something. Eg : He has a phobia about flying. It is quite funny and interesting to find words using the word  'phobia' as a suffix ( an addition at the end of words to coin new words). Here are a few words which denotes the fear of certain things. 
Arachanophobia: fear of spider 
Arthrophobia : fear of human beings

Barophobia : fear about gravity 
Bathophobia:  fear about depth 
Cynophobia : fear of dog 
Ecophobia : Fear towards ecology 
Golsophobia : stage fear 
Globophobia :  balloon fear 
Hemophobia : blood fear 
Hydrophobia: Fear towards water Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliphobia ---fear towards largest words Lachanophobia : fear of Vegetables 
Nyctophobia : fear towards darkness 
Ornethophobia : fear towards birds 
Ombrophobia : fear towards rain 
Physophobia :   fear towards fire 
Pediophobia. Fear towards dolls 
Thanatophobia : fear towards dead 
Thalassophobia : fear towards sea 
Vehophobia : fear towards vehicles
 Zoophobia. Fear towards animals

Think whether you can add more to the list.

Posted by Group 3, XI B