
Secrets are being the part in our life nowadays. Every person who is intimate to us have a lot of secrets to share. But actually what does the word secret mean, when we give this question to google it often gives us the three answers: 

i)something kept hidden or unexplained.

ii)something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidentially to few.

iii)a method, formula or process used in an art or operation and divulged only to those of

ones own company or craft.

In today’s generation everyone has a tendency to peek into others secret. A life without secrets is impossible nowadays. The world has reached in such a situation. Secrets can be classified on the basis of various situation. There could be different kinds of secrets regarding family, finances, habit, addiction, hidden relationship etc..

Secrets usually arise when we do some malpractices and richly impure activities. If we are truthful and moving through the right path our life would be open and there would be no secrets. Those are using wrong paths has to lock their each turn with a secret. Thus secret has become an opening to one’s dishonesty.

Actually secret has many rules to follow,

i)Don’t tell to any one.

ii)Never document it. etc.. it depends on each ones attitude.

When we have a secret we have to pretend that it never happened. It is useful to us if we forget it. Sometimes to keep the secret we have to lie. From these conditions we could analyse that keeping a secret is a risky job. Secrets has a major impact that is, it makes us mysterious. But different from these conditions secret has  another conclusion.

We all think we have secrets but actually secrets are having us. One of the major reasons forcing human to keep secret is that to keep peace. We hold onto secrets to keep other people happy, their vision of the world and their vision on us. There are  situations when we should not keep a secret. Those situations occur when someone could be in danger or something could hurt anyone or if someone is potentially a danger to hurt anyone else.

Does secrets bring cracks in relationship? Yes, keeping secrets may actually cause cracks in relationship. Slapian and colleagues demonstrated in a study of 13000 secrets that people may become distracted by secrets, leading to preoccupation with them, decreased feelings of authenticity and a reduced sense of well-being and satisfaction with one’s life.

From this we could conclude that secret has both positive and negative impact, one should keep the secret only in dangerous situation or else we should be open to others and be a free individual.

Post by Anitta Joseph