Break the Chain ...!!!

"You don't want to fail in your exams? You wanna succeed in your dream career? Voila...we have an amazing offer..just share this message to 10 people and see the magic. Send this message to 5 groups and then your battery will be fully me it works."

Ever came across such messages? If yes,you are not alone. If it's a No,then you are lucky and you are one in a million.. Because whats app is a fertile land for fake chain messages, conspiracy theories,false claims etc..and has approximately 2 billion active users worldwide..So chances of getting fake forward messages are very high..

Chain messages can be seen in abundance during exam time..Also during natural calamities and pandemics it gains momentum. Well it's up to you if you want to share these or not. But what really bothers me are those emotional blackmailing messages. These messages are like , share this message within 2 minutes and you'll have the best year ever. But if you don't,10 years of bad luck is waiting for you/you'll have the worst year ever. Little did I know that this pandemic occurred just because I didn't forward the good luck chain message for 2020..(jk).Some messages proceed a step further.And this time it'll tell you that your dear ones might die if you don't forward this (RIP logic).And you'll die if you hesitate to forward this within 20 minutes..I never knew dying was this easy. You know what's more interesting? Those prayer messages which claims that miracles happened to the ones who shared this and bad stuff happened to those who ignored or deleted the message without forwarding. So they think God will reward them for sharing a chain message and punish the ones who ignored.seriously?.It is true that people are extremely sensitive when it comes to religion and family..So most of them share these without thinking twice..The people who creates these kind of messages know this very well.Once they fall upon these messages with threats they'll feel like they're trapped and ends up forwarding these . But I'm just thinking about the ones who create these and how well structured these chain messages are. Like there was a time where 'battery full' messages came with a phone no. to convince people.I mean whose going to call them once we realize we're fooled? Something I can't stand are those messages which gives an illusion that their intention is so pure..For eg; this kid swallowed safety pin..Or this kid has blood cancer..Please share this ..It's urgent.. Whats app company is going to give them 1 paisa for each share. First of all Whats app or Facebook is never going to donate based on the no.of likes and shares..And also that kid in the picture might have become an adult by now. Then there's this spooky child ghost telling her own story and threatens you to share the story or else she'll come under your bed and may drink your blood or stab you to death.(seems like a nice horror story prompt.)this is probably the most interesting one I've ever come across.

Then here comes the most epic ;'whats app university research papers' . This university has always amazed me by the wide range of their graduation courses.The university graduates are so concerned about your health ,so they'll inform you right away and also tells you to share those.for e.g. HIV infected person added his blood to a soft drink,so make sure you don't drink that or you'll get infected..'Cosmic rays will pass close to earth ,so make sure you keep your electronic gadgets away tonight'. God knows which night it was.. Because I got the same message 4 years ago and it was from NASA..But then a year ago it came again..But this time it was reported by BBC .Well done..At least they changed the source .It comes back every year without a fail.But in other way it's right..Keeping your gadgets away can keep your sanity and it'll keep your brain safe from those dumb messages.But why do they always drag NASA,ISRO,WHO ,UNESCO into these?Okay..maybe these messages are outdated and people might not share these anymore. But the worst is yet to come..

Recently,a few months ago there was a message that the corona virus isn't natural and it was created in labs..And guess who said that? Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo..There was even a Wikipedia link..But Later he made it clear that he never said that and it was nothing but a fake message...But I'm cent percent sure that 99% people who forwarded might not have come across the latter one..This clearly shows how contagious these are..There are so many messages claiming that turmeric,lemon garlic etc..can cure Covid-19.And if you can hold your breath for 10 sec you are not affected by corona. These are just a few from the deluge of pandemic special fake messages..

UNESCO and WHO are the usual victims of health related hoaxes.Its embarrassing to see your relatives and friends sharing these.. 

*According to a journal published by Nisemono University in Japan,researchers found out that 1 in 250 people forward false cures they found online for covid-19 on social media.*..  

Messages like these especially during this time can be really dangerous..Next time when you come across chain messages /forward messages,please make sure that the source is trustworthy and reliable,or just simply ignore and move ahead.And also don't forget to seek the help of your brain before forwarding.

All jokes apart,outbreak of fake messages especially during this pandemic can actually have serious consequences on one's physical and mental health .Your phone is smart,but it's not smart enough to know what's wrong or whats right. So, Be responsible and break the chain- Both online and offline..

*Ps:There is no such university called Nisemono..And the data given there is false..I just wanted you all to know that anyone with a smartphone and internet can even create a (fake)university..So next time don't forget to check the source too.

Post By Aksa Roy, XII A