Easter Message..
Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Christ after the great passion and crucifixion has risen from the dead. It is the will of God the Father to save the people who have fallen to sins. He has promised to send a Saviour. Christ’s birth, life, the passion and the crucifixion was part of the divine will to save His people. It is a token of the unconditional and never failing love and mercy of God. Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christian belief. ‘Had he not risen from the dead, our belief would have been worthless’.
Christ’s birth, his life and the way to cross exemplifies ‘Kenosis’. Kenosis is a Greek word which means 'the emptying of self '. It is ultimately the emptying of Jesus’ own will and becoming entirely receptive to God the Father’s divine will. When Jesus was confronted with the passion in front, like all human beings, he becomes weak and goes to Gethsemane to pray. He receives the Divine power to submit himself to the passion after fully submitting Him to the divine will. Thus he empties His self fully. This is the heart of Christian philosophy. Right from his birth at Bethlehem one could observe Kenosis. He was born on the manger. He has to run away from the selfish and cruel autocrats. He lived the life of the poor, the working class, the refugee and the hunted. He lived one among the common man. His disciples were the fishermen and people from the lower strata of the society. Though He was the Lord, His Ego never got reflected for it was fully emptied. He washed the feet of his disciples. He was criticized. He was caught like a culprit, lead to a trial and was judged like a criminal. Yudas cheated Him for money. He was given up even by His most trusted disciples. The Jews spit on to His face. He was not given enough cloth on the cross. They divided his clothes among them. He was considered a less worthy criminal than Barabas by the mob. He was stoned at by the same people for whom He came. The same people who hailed Him as a king stoned Him a week later. He was crucified with two thieves. Even at the cross His heart was opened with a spear and the last drop of blood and water oozed out. There is where the emptying was total.
On this Easter let us think what Christ’s message is. Surely it is to kill one’s self and will and search the will of the Lord. T. S Eliot in ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ defines a martyr as one who loses his will in the will of god and one who no longer desires anything for himself not even the glory of being a martyr. No doubt Christ is the greatest martyr. He gives us all a message how to kill our Self and Ego. Nowadays we all run after many things to satisfy our ego and selfishness. Very often we advertise ourselves and are centering round our self and ego. We safely forget to seek the will and the kingdom of the lord. We all forget to forgive and forsake. We forget to love unconditionally. Let us not divide among us. Let us embrace everyone. Like Churchil let us say ‘Divided we fall, united we stand’. Let us all realize that our mission is to seek His will and Kingdom. Let us try to empty our self and fill it with love, divinity and spirituality. Find the lord inside. Wish you all a Happy Easter. May the risen lord bless you all ..
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