Listen Others ....Broaden you...
God has given us two ears but only one month, so we must use them proportionately. In this hectic and phony life people have become so ego-centric, so they don't have time to spare for others, not even to listen to their grief. In Sudha Murty's 'Horegallu' she speaks of the need of such listeners who could ease the pressure of many people just by listening to them. Listening is a voluntary activity but hearing is something that happens automatically. It is like the difference between looking and seeing.A person feels happy and relieved when he tells his problems to a sympathetic listener. By listening others we broaden our minds as we learn new things and we can also be 'horegallu's' to others. We must have an extra eye to see the unseen, We must have an extra ear to hear the unheard, We must have an extra heart to feel the unfelt. Let us all try to enliven the society around by being patient and empathetic listeners.
Rakhi B Nair, XII B