Past Tense Marker
1. If the present form ends in a voiceless consonant other than
/t/ the past tense marker is /t/
Eg: cook -cooked / kʊkt/ laugh - laughed / lα:ft/
2. If the present form ends in a voiced consonant other than
/d/ the past tense marker is /d/
Eg: rub - rubbed / rʌbd/ love- loved / lʌvd/
3. If the present form ends in /t/ or /d/ the past tense marker
is /ɪd/
Eg: mend - mended / mendɪd/ want - wanted /wɒntɪd /
Plural Suffixes
1. If the root ends in a voiceless consonant other than
/ s, ∫,t∫ / the plural suffix is /s/
Eg: Cakes: /keɪks/ Caps : /kæps/ Bats : /bæts/
2. If the root ends in a voiced consonant other than
/ z, Ʒ, dƷ/ the plural suffix is /z/
Eg: Bags : /bægz/ Toads : /tǝʊdz/
3. If the root ends in / s, ∫, t∫, z, Ʒ, dƷ / the plural suffix is /ɪz/
Eg: houses: /haʊzɪz/ roses: /rǝʊzɪz/
Find how these words are to be pronounced
Pronunciation - pronounce
debt - police - vehicle - plumber
no - now - go
car - father - brother - sister
period - extempore - examination
suite - suit - wool - woolen
thumb - bomb - womb - tomb
onion - mirage - collage - montage
chandelier - champagne - chassis
colonel - lieutenant - superintendent
squalor - pint - cliche - conduct (Verb & Noun)
bourgeois - bourgeoisie -
crisis (singular & Plural)
abyss - apartheid - chameleon
refuse (Noun & Verb)
rendezvous - question - prophecy - prophesy
camouflage - photography
elite - debut - debris - status
establish - estate - content (Noun & Verb & adjective)
target - alumnus - alumni - algae (Plural) - alga (singular)
sponge - alibi - lullaby - spinach - pneumonia
psyche - psychological - bruise - genre - isthmus