Corruption - A social Evil
Corruption may be defined as the acceptance of bribe for an unfair favour. It is the biggest evil in our society.Incidents of corruption are increasing in our society day by day. In our p,ublic life it has now become a fashion.
Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft and embezzlement. Corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, though it is not restricted to these activities.
The main causes of corruption are greed of money, higher levels of market, political monopolization, low levels of democracy, weak civil participation, low political transparency, low press and low economic freedom
There is no silver bullet for fighting corruption. Many countries have made significant progress in curbing corruption, however practitioners are always on the lookout for solutions and evidence of impact. The immediate remedy for this is to separate the functions of politicians and officials. Men of integrity and dedication should come forward to replace the professional politicians.
The rulers should take the initiative to inspire the people with a sense of patriotism. To achieve this, we should make our education ethical, moral and conducive to patriotism. Be the change you want to be attained in your country and others will learn from you.
"A Strong Youth Movement in the country alone can move corruption and each student should take a vow to begin this exercise courageously within the family"- A P J Abdul Kalam
Post by Deslyn Thomas, XII B