Mother...The Name of Love

God cannot be everywhere, that's why he created mothers on the earth.A mother is not only the light of a house but also the whole light of the whole world. Have you ever seen a real God in your life. No doubts, it's our mother. They are the sparks of holy spirit. Mother, amma, ma,.... different names,but one emotion. Of course, there is a mother's love and care behind anyone's success. Sometimes her affection can change the destiny of her child. Mother is the embodiment of ideal love,the heat of Providence,the name of sacrifice, pillar of the home, keystone of her children. Mother is the twist that holds her family together. She is the only one in this world who forgives all our mistakes forever, no matter how big they are. She always supports and lifts our spirit up, whenever we are feeling down.She leaves all her personal needs for our needs.And she is the best University ,the best healer, our first and the best teacher. We are the flesh of her flesh, soul of her soul and the blood of her blood. Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired need not be deserved. Give her respect and love, remind ourselves that we are the creation of our mother. Thank you all mothers, for giving us birth, for giving us the love. Thank you ever so much for your patience.You are really a superwoman ma,love you so much...

Post by Gayathridevi M, XII B ( 2019-20)